Young-Jae SEO
Affiliated Counsel

Practice Area
- Intellectual Property
- Finance
- Fair Trade
- Criminal/Civil Litigation
- Mergers Acquisitions
- SeongKyunKwan University (LL.D., 2001)
- University of Michigan (LL.M., 1986)
- Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (1976)
- SeongKyunKwan University (LL.M., 1974)
- SeongKyunKwan University (LL.B., 1972)
- Affiliated Counsel, Lee International IP & Law (2006~2009, 2011~Present)
- Dean, Chungnam National University Law School (2009~2011)
- Chief Prosecutor, Daegu High Prosecutor's Office (2005)
- Chief Prosecutor, Daejun High Prosecutor's Office (2004~2005)
- Chief Prosecutor, Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office (2004)
- Chief Prosecutor, Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (2003)
- Chief Prosecutor, Chung-Ju District Prosecutor's Office (2002~2003)
- Manager, The Drug Section of Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office (2001~2002)
- Manager, The Planning Section of Inservice Education Institute of Law (2000~2001)
- Commissioner, The Western Office of Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1999~2000)
- Crime Information Planner, Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office (1999)
- Assistant Manager Prosecutor, Chunju District Prosecutor's Office (1998~1999)
- Assistant Manager Prosecutor, The Western Office of Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1997~1998)
- Manager Prosecutor, The Hard-line Section of Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1995~1997)
- Manager Prosecutor, The Specialty Section of the Western Office of Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1993~1995)
- Manager Prosecutor, The Public Peace Section of Busan District Prosecutor's Office (1993)
- Chief, The Third Public Peace Section of Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office (1991~1992)
- Researcher, Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office (1990)
- Director, The Hard-line Office of Daejun District Prosecutor's Office (1989)
- Senior Prosecution Official (1988)
- Instructor, Inservice Education Institute for Legal Task (1987)
- Prosecutor, Sun-Chun Office of Kwangju District Prosecutor's Office (1986)
- Prosecutor, Nam-Bu Office of Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1983)
- Prosecutor, Chun-An Office of Daejun District Prosecutor's Office (1982)
- Prosecutor, Seoul District Prosecutor's Office (1979)
- Solicitor, Republic of Korea Air Force (1976)
- Admitted to the bar, Korea (1976)
- Korean Bar Association
- Seoul Bar Association
- The Order of Service Merit, Red Stripes (1998)
Publications / Presentations
- For whom the public prosecutor exists?,” Cheryunse (2015)
- Analysis of the Reality of American Prosecutors
- Research on Insurance Crime; Cases of Investigation of Major Organization Violence and Drugs
- System for Special Prosecutor in the United States,” Seil publisher (2002)
- Research for Criminal Compensation
- Research on Constitutional Limitation in the U.S. Special Prosecution Law and its Viability (for Doctor s degree), Seong-Kyun-Kwan University
- Languages : Korean, English
SSL Certificates