Lee International



Semiconductor devices represent the pinnacle of modern technology, integrating advancements in process technology, novel device structures, and material innovations.

Our Semiconductor Device IP TechCenter is dedicated to delivering specialized technical and legal services to clients engaged in the manufacturing and sale of both memory and non-memory semiconductor devices. With extensive expertise spanning FinFET technology, SoC technology, MEMS, CMOS image sensors, Digital-to-Analog (Analog-to-Digital) converters, digital signal processing ICs, solid state drives, and hard disk drives, we ensure comprehensive support across various technologies.

The Semiconductor Device IP TechCenter provides superior technical and legal guidance by closly monitoring technology trends in the dynamic semiconductor device landscape. We are committed to continuous learning to ensure that we maintain cutting-edge expertise and can effectively support our clients’ evolving needs.


Activities and Events

  • Semiconductor Materials, Semiconductor Equipment, Semiconductor Devices, AI/Information Convergence, Secondary Battery, Displays, Medical Devices

    Launch of Lee International IP TechCenter: Providing Advanced IP Legal Services in Line with Future Technological Innovation

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